The Easy Document Management Service

Securely store, organize, manage, and share your documents right in the browser - no downloads required.
Upload and Share with Ease

Upload and manage your PDF, PPT, DOC, TIFF, Google Doc, XLS, Sheets, and Slides files and view them right in the browser. Publish them for viewing publicly or privately.

See Featured Documents
Millions of Documents Shared

Since launching in 2007, edocr has provided free document sharing for tens of millions of documents. As of today, edocr has had 68.95M page views and has a Domain Authority of 76.

See Featured Users
Helpful Blog Posts

Learn more about edocr and all the features including step-by-step tuturials by viewing our blog posts collection.

Blog Posts

Simple Sharing Step by Step

Upload your files

Upload your PDF, PPT, DOC, TIFF, Google Doc, XLS, Sheets, and Slides files and view them right in the browser. Add tags and descriptions to your files so people can search them and learn more about you.

user sharing a document
Organize your documents into secure collections

Group your files however you want. Set your collections to private or public and automatically so you can share with exactly who you want.

folders with files
Easily share your documents

Share your documents publicly - or restrict access to just those you want to view or edit your documents. Copy the link and send the document to others for easy viewing.

user sharing documents
user signing a contract

Private Sharing

Share documents and collections with specific emails or with a specific email domain.

document with a checkbox
document with a checkbox


Do more with your documents

Upload and store PDF, PPT, DOC, TIFF, Google Doc, XLS, Sheets, and Slides files for easy viewing and sharing.


Organize your documents into collections (folders). Set sharing settings per collection for easy document management.

Public Profile

Create your own profile on edocr with an easily sharable link to all your documents. Link to your website and social pages from your profile.

Automatic Text Extraction

Plain text is automatically extracted from your uploaded documents so you can search within your document or copy text from it.

Document Analytics

See how many people have viewed and liked your document to see what content is getting noticed. See which users have liked your documents.

Follow Users and Collections

Get notified when there are new documents uploaded, and let viewers follow your own profile and collections.

Premium Features
Additional Privacy Settings

Share documents and collections privately. Allow anyone with the link to access or designate specific emails to share with.

Submit to search engines

Make your documents discoverable on Google. Use tags and automatic text-extraction to improve SEO results.

Contributor Accounts

Work with your team. Allow other users to upload and edit documents on your profile.

Remove Ads

Allow others to view your documents without any advertisements.


Easily get your documents filled and signed with OnTask.

API Access

Programatically upload documents to your collections with our public API.

Ready to begin?